AMA Grant Announcement

The Center for Simulation and Synthetic Humans at the University of Texas at Dallas (The Center) at UT Dallas, in collaboration with the Office of Medical Education at UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) has received a grant from the American Medical Association (AMA). The Center has developed the Emotive Virtual Patient (EVP), which is designed to allow medical school students to practice interviewing with a virtual patient in an augmented reality experience using the Microsoft HoloLens. This grant will support The Center’s ongoing EVP research by integrating the EVP into UTSW’s Pre-Clerkship Objective Structured Clinical Skills (OSCEs) curriculum. The Center will integrate EVPs into OSCEs and measure impact on learning through: 1) student confidence measures through qualitative self-assessment; and 2) objective metrics such as the OSCE Skills Clinics scores.